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Ross Harvey

A bit about me:  I am committed to excellence in everything I do.  This has led me to excel in athletics (world racquetball champion and golf professional), academics (BSc. Biology and DVM - Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) and business (started up many small businesses and took our company, NuVo, onto NASDAQ in 11 short months from inception).

I am someone who has to be doing more than one thing at a time!  As such, I am involved in growing fitness, racquet sports and LifeStyle across the world through my company NuVo, growing golf across the world through my company G3 Golf, introducing two sports to a world market in racquetball (my passion) and short tennis (a sport we have recently invented) and helping people to look their best through development of great websites for them.

Please take a look through my Profile in order to see a bit more about me:

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